How much money can I save with proper loft insulation?

How much money can I save with proper loft insulation?

Every home should have proper loft insulation. Why? Because heat rises so it stands to reason that most of your home’s heat loss will be through your ceiling/attic/roof. Floor insulation and wall insulation are both very important but attic insulation is crucial, especially here in Britain. Quality is key too and we recommend that you always use premium loft insulation products from manufacturers such as Knauf Earthwool and Isover Spacesaver.


So how much can you actually save if you have proper loft insulation?


Here are the figures we have been given by the Energy Saving Trust:


Loft Insulation (up to 270mm)     Detached         Semi Detached          Terraced Bungalow       Bungalow     

Heating Bill Savings                         £240                       £140                             £135                            £200

Average Installation Cost                £395                       £300                             £285                            £375


Remember, these are average savings and costs and for a more accurate picture you should talk to your local installer. But, having said that, it’s also obvious that your investment in loft insulation should pay for itself within two years.


Most lofts are easy to insulate and can be a DIY job completed in a day. If you want to convert your attic and use it as another room then you need to insulate the roof as well as the attic floor. If you have a flat roof or any roof with damp issues you should get in a professional to do the job for you and we recommend you start your search for one at the National Insulation Association (NIA).


Is loft insulation worth it? Absolutely – not only will you make your money back in two years (and every penny saved after that stays in your pocket) but also think about how comfortable and warm your home will be. Consider too the small but important contribution you will make to the environment by using less energy.

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